What Do I Wear?

I get the question all the time about what to wear for engagement sessions, so I put together a little style guide to give you some inspiration. Along with the style guide, I would also like to give you a couple of tips for choosing your perfect outfit for your session.

-Always remember to be yourself and to wear something that YOU feel amazing in! If you don’t normally wear heals, do not wear heals…if your fiance doesn’t normally wear a tie, leave it at home. The worst thing for a session is not not look or feel like yourself

-Don’t wear matching outfits. It may seem like a good idea for you and your fiance to be dressed similarly, but it ends up looking silly. Instead, wear clothing that compliments each other.

-Try not to wear clothing with writing or brand names on it. Lettering can be very distracting and it takes all of the attention away from the most important part of the the image, your faces!

-Bring a good pair of walking shoes to change into.  We typically do a bit of walking during our session and I want you to be as comfortable as possible while we are walking from location to location.

-Layering is always a great idea! Headbands, jackets, vests, sweaters, scarves, jewelry, etc. Personalize your outfits to make them show your personality and individual style.

-Most importantly, be comfortable in your clothing and have fun!